FOG: Footsteps of Ghosts
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The End is Nigh...

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The End is Nigh... Empty The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:21 am

Imagine that you are a normal young man or woman: You're almost completely through with college, well on to your degree and the beginning of the rest of your life. Summer break is almost over and you've planned an amazing weekend in an amazing place with three of the best friends that you've ever had and everything seems fine and dandy.

Now, go ahead and take that picture and rip it to shreds because, while the plane is beginning it's descent, something malfunctions. The on-board computer goes haywire, all connections with the incoming airport are cut off and this massive 747 is caught in a tailspin while it hurtles to the ground. Time to go through the checklist with me:

Step One - Crouch
Step Two - Spread Legs
Step Three - Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye

Everything goes black for you. Hell, why shouldn't it? You're dead, right? You clench your eyes shut tightly, trying to prolong feeling of calm that washes over you....till you hear the sirens. Red lights flash past your eyelids, the color spilling into your mind through the thin layer of skin that your eyelids have provided and find that you're strapped to a stretcher with a brace around your neck and the debris from the crashed plane strewn across the ground around you. Your eyes dart back and forth frantically as you search for your friends, knowing in your heart of hearts that you're the only one that survived, but you see them on stretchers next to you.

Why did this happen? No, better yet, how did this happen? No time for questions now, though, because you're doped out of your mind on morphine and, like I said, strapped down tightly to a stretcher. What you don't know, however, is that you're part of the biggest moment in human history. But you're not a bystander. Oh no, that would be too simple of an answer, wouldn't it? You're a major player in the end of the world.

You're one of the Four Horsemen.

Join date : 2009-05-23

Posts : 1451
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Location : Greeneville, Tennessee

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:25 am

I call pestilence.


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:36 am

I've got War, so it's all good :DD

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:38 am


I want in....
Idk if I want Death or Famine though...


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:39 am

A Horsewoman...interesting Very Happy

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:40 am

Hells ya!

Omg. I have to be Death now.

I just have to...

An idea came to mind!



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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:42 am

I'm waiting for a fourth before I go and explain the plot, so...yeah...

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:43 am

Oh I understand. I'm just saying...
I have an idea for my character. XD


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Kalaam Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:18 am

Alas, I wanted Death, more or less the most important horseman, as far as consequences go. Anyway, I can play famine just as well.


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:42 pm

Now I feel bad. :[

Well...When Gunneh puts up the plot I might change my mind. We shall see.


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Kalaam Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:32 pm

Famine would probably make a more interesting character challenge for me, it's all good. Hmm, keep the dry sense and occasionally black/gallows humor, and I wonder if I could make him gain weight the more others starve, such as feeding on such things... it would make him quite interesting. What do you think Gunneh?


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:52 pm

That could be interesting, but it's a power that we can control...I'll get an OOC with more explanations in a bit.

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Gunneh Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:20 am

So here's the idea, boys and...girl: We're going to start this thing when they get into the hospital after the plane crash. All four of our characters are being kept in separate rooms in the hospital so that they can all be questioned individually. You see, when only four people survive a plane crash, Homeland Security seems to think that they might have been up to something fishy on that plane. Who'da thunk it, I know, but this seems like it might be a very high ranking case to the Director.

At this time, they're only subconsciously aware of their powers, so no one can call up hellfire to make their way to one room, but they'll have things like increased strength and the basest of their powers (I'll elaborate on that a little more in the OOC on what those will be). Everyone will make their way to my character's room, where the Director of Homeland Security will be waiting to begin the questioning. Unbeknownst to any of them, a horde of demons will appear in and around the hospital in an effort to make sure that they get out scotch free.

I'm going to be incorporating several different ideas from different mediums to add some more interesting things to the RP, all of which will be explained in the OOC. I'll get to work on the OOC in just a minute, but I just wanted to let you guys know where we were going to start. As for the rest of the'll see.

Join date : 2009-05-23

Posts : 1451
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Location : Greeneville, Tennessee

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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

Post by Guest Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:26 pm

I'm really ready for this now.


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The End is Nigh... Empty Re: The End is Nigh...

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