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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:44 pm

An aura of fear and despair hung around the small town now known as Desperazione Village, an aura so thick that it was nearly palpable. Fires played among the once numerous yet simple homes, the element that was but a mere plaything to the demons that haunted the village. The castle itself was smoking, remnants of a final stand by the Royal knights. Not many escaped the castle alive and if they did, they had fallen prey to the tortures of the demonic horde. With the fall of the castle, the villagers had retreated to the Temple with tears and supplications, begging their gods for mercy, most especially Clementia. It was here the Edict of the gods was posted and here that perhaps the sins of the past could be done away with...

The Temple was a tall and majestic structure, facing three sides. One was devoted to Ulike, god of Wrath and Just Anger, the other to Talon, god of Balance, and finally to Clementia, goddess of mercy. Most of the villagers huddled within the portion of the Temple dedicated to Clementia, the one in whom they placed the most trust in this time of despair. Her portion was made of marble, marble pillars raised to the heavens, bathed in the soft glow of pearly light that never seemed to fade. A simple statue stood at the center of the room, a depiction of the goddess herself with hair as pale as starlight and eyes sparkling like distant planets. Her hands were stretched forth in supplication towards Ulike on the far side of the Temple, as if in a gesture of pleading for mercy for the people. Pearls lined the walls, and depictions of melded into the background brushed in strokes of silver.

A few did brave the bright, fiery light that bathed Ulike's section of the Temple. Knights and those with the spirit to fight stood there, praying for the strength to fight the upcoming battle, a battle against a true enemy not their innocent neighbors. Pillars of gold held up the roof and streaks of firelight played across the borders. On the walls were depictions of glorious battles, battles that had been fought justly. Nowhere would one find any trace of the battle only previously fought. Ulike's statue stood at the far side of the room, a man with bronze skin and flashing eyes, wile hair that played like lightning. In front of him stood his altar, a mix of blood red ruby and burnished gold, a place of sacrifice, the sacrifice of ones own sins.

In the center, between Ulike and Clementia, stood Talon's tall, graceful figure. A blindfold covered his eyelids as he held scales upon which balanced the fates of mankind. He was unremarkable to look at, but in his bearing was a nobility and grace one dared not to question. The stonework around him was of the deepest obsidian, and an even, natural light touched his figure. Basic granite stone was the adornment of choice and little could be found in the way of ornaments. It was plain, as it should be, for Talon was the god of balance and favored not one side over the other. Here could be found the diplomats and peacemakers, seeking reconciliation.

Though she herself was no saint, the Queen Cassandra stood proud and regal beside the statue of Clementia, haughty and erect as if comparing her height to the goddess. A streak of blood lined her forehead, however, and her eyes were bloodshot and red, a blot on her infinite beauty. She had indeed escaped the assault on the castle, clutching the only one that was precious to her to her body, her dear son Jason. He was asleep at the moment, his light blond hair shimmering in the pale light like the moon. He was wrapped in a velvet cloak, unharmed and unmarred, protected by the soft light still shimmering at his chest, the light of the Soulstone, still active after fending off so many demons. The Queen crooned softly to him, oblivious of the other weeping mothers and children who had lost fathers or family members. She missed the venomous glances directed at her by her own subjects, never realizing how much harm she had done to them. Beside her stood her own daughter, the Princess Minerva, clothed in a simple dress of the purest white. Her hand clutched her mother's cloak, but her eyes were distant, as if she were in a world far away, a place where everything was beautiful, perhaps the point in time where her father had once been alive. Once in a while she would return to reality to glance anxiously at her mother or her brother. They were both dear to her, and she would worry if anything should happen to them. Above her own heart was etched the soulstone, complete as her brother's, the only saving grace that had saved her from harm. The Queen had been harmed during the initial assault when a rogue demon had assaulted her in her bedchambers. A knight had saved her and she had run to her son and daughter, though there had been no trace of Achilles. Achilles still hadn't been seen, and the Queen feared the worst. It was she held Jason so tightly, even though she knew he was safe for the moment. But if his crying and sobbing about every little thing that didn't go his way would not stop, she knew that this would change. For all her faults, she was a dedicated Mother and so she had been trying little by little to "unspoil" her child. She couldn't allow the curse of the gods to fall upon him, whatever else happened to her country...whatever else happened to her people...

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:15 pm

The light off the altar to Ulike played over the soldiers and Knights that knelt in supplication before their patron. Each and every single one of them bore fresh wounds and dented armor. Where once proud warriors existed men who had known nothing but defeat since that fateful day now stood. In their eyes rendered black from lack of sleep dwelt a haunted and fearful look. They had thrown everything they had within them time and time again against the demonic hordes. And yet they lay all but trapped within the temple of the trinity. A few uttered half whispered curses before begging forgiveness and the strength to fulfill their duty.

Fewer still were the ones who faced the altar of Ulike proudly and openly their heads and shoulders held high and straight. And only one man looked upon the visage of the warrior god with hope and sincere faith written large upon his handsome if scarred face. His dark gray armor held none of the polish of the royal knights and his cloak of dark blue was of frayed cotton. Ancient runes lined this plain if well made armor indicating it's great age. His great-sword of red crystal hue reflected the light back a thousand fold till it seemed alive with crimson light. His hair of golden weave shone as a candle in the darkness. Those near him felt comforted as if in the presence of a guardian spirit and strengthened as if from a good night's rest. His name was Vossler, a enigmatic warrior who offered his aid to this shattered kingdom quite readily. The soldiers and knights eagerly welcomed another blade into their depleted ranks.

And so it was he had proven his worth becoming a symbol of the hope they all once so carefully nourished within themselves. For his great-sword seemed the bane of demonic creatures as it whirled and twirled in his hands. No demon had thus even added another scar to the collection Vossler sported nearly every place visible whilst wearing clothing. In the end these people had viewed him as something of a miracle worker. In short order he was the unofficial head of defense after proving his tactical insight was nearly as great as his martial prowess.

" To Ulike, Mighty All Father
He whose will is housed within each warrior I pray
To the Lord of creation I pray
Grant me the strength to live in victory
Or give to me the courage to die a warrior's death.
Ulike in your name I pray"

The words flowed with such convection, with such utter peace and harmony the few at the altar of Ulike looked to Vossler. For it had been sometime since the Fated Warrior prayer had echoed in these halls. And the ease and peace he spoke it with suggested more of Vossler then a sword and armor would speak of.

"Beautiful Sir Friedan, I don't think even the High Priests could have done better." The man next to to him spoke lowering his eyes from the ceiling. Of lithe frame a dirty white bandage circled his head, blood stained in more then once place. No more then a boy this soldier's armor was that of a Royal Knight, set with the shattered remains of a house crest upon it's left breast.

"Thank you, but I am only beginning." Vossler replied with a ever so subtle up sweep of his lips into a roguish smile designed to inspire confidence and hope in it's benefactor. Turning around on the heel of his left foot the puzzling swordsmen stood gazing across the open space between the altars of Ulike and Clementia. Here the people flocked beseeching the Mother of her mercy so that they might live at least a day longer.

This is a battle the gods will not help us with. It is our strength of will that shall win this day. He thought quietly to himself. If a few prayers helped keep them sane then more power to them as far as the closed book of a warrior was concerned.

But for the meanwhile he had a self appointed duty to do. Soon the demons would attack them. Taunting them as was their want. Threats of punishments both horrendous and never ending. No long before he had to fight off an other enemy from the gates of this sanctuary.

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:52 pm

Once summer blue eyes, not dulled to the color of frost, turned to regard the soldiers praying to Ulike.

As if Ulike will hear them...Only Clementia has been kind enough to protect us. Ulike cares nothing for us. He'd rather see us

burn! My poor husband...My children...they don't deserve this. I don't deserve this!

The Queen scanned the man who had come from somewhere, she knew not where, to take charge of the defenses of the town against the demons. So far, only he and the innocent had received not even a scratch. What was his name again....Ah, it was Vossler. She had met him only once...She vaguely remembered him at the siege of the castle, rallying the men, but her mind had been set on protecting her children at that moment. She cared naught for anything else. Still, it seemed he was inspiring hope in the people. If he was, so be it. She had nothing to do with them for she was above them. They were but common folk to her, little deserving of anything but to be graced with her presence. And yet not even the women around her seemed to be paying her any heed. How utterly shameful! Not to recognize their Queen! But...a voice tucked far away in the recesses of her mind whispered that the people hated her for hiding...She had done nothing to help them, instead she had thrown insult upon them by speaking nothing of the coronation. In her mind there could be no coronation until the war with the demons was over. Besides, she was certain Achilles was not fit to be King even if she loved him. He had even dared to yell at her and had come inches from striking her. He had dared to tell her to her face that she was worthless and wasn't helping their people at all. And so while she was worried he had not appeared at the Temple yet, she was still somewhat apprehensive should he return. His anger was perhaps as lethal as a demons, and even Soulstones couldn't protect against that...

She shook her head as the Princess tugged her sleeve.

"What is it, Minerva, dearest?" asked the Queen, finally breaking the silence marred only by silent sobs.

"'s so pretty, isn't it?" the Princess whispered.

"What's pretty? The statue? Yes, it is..." said the Queen absently.

"Oh no...not the statue. I don't see a statue. It's the birdies and the flowers and trees. See? It's Springtime again! Daddy's going to take me to pick flowers today, remember? He promised..."

"Your Father is no longer alive, Minerva," said the Queen as gently as she could, "You know that."

"Oh yes, he is! See! He's right there, Momma! Why can't you see? You're always far away, Momma...Only Jason plays with me anymore. He sees what I see. Why can't you?"

"Minerva," the Queen's voice was sharp and full of exasperation, "Jason's only a baby. He still has an active imagination. You're far too old for this, dear. Please, just..."

"You're not being nice Momma...don't yell..." whispered the Princess, looking away and taking a few steps back.

"I'm not..." began the Queen when a plaintive cry came from her arms.

"Momma..." whispered a tiny, frail voice, the voice of the youngest Prince, "I'm hungry..."

"Jason, darling, we don't have food just yet. I'll go to see in a few minutes. But I need to speak with the guards first," she began, but tears already were forming in Jason's eyes.

"B-but...M-Momma...please...I-I'm hungry," he whimpered.

"You need to wait. Remember what I told you about being a good boy?"


"No buts! Now you need to let me hold you and you stay quiet until I'm done talking, alright?" said the Queen in such a sharp voice that the boy was silent, still crying softly.

The Queen sighed, holding her child close. She looked over, contemplating bringing Minerva with her but decided against it. Her daughter was sitting beside the statue of Clementia picking...unseen objects. Shaking her head, the Queen moved towards Ulike's side of the Temple. Much as she despised it, she needed to know what they were going to do about the demons. They were her guards and were to protect her after all.

"Are you the leader here now, Sir Vossler?" she asked abruptly as she crossed into the fiery light, her eyes honing in on the young man.

Last edited by Ruu on Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:49 pm

Vossler paced amongst the refugees, offering what aid he could be it a word of encouragement or a tightening of a soldier bandages. His serene face and calm doing much to quell the frightened murmurs that circulated in the air of this temple to the Trinity. The light shone off his armor and great sword fitfully as if the darkness without was deepening it's hold upon those within the divine protection of the temple. The haggard eyed priests and priestess looked gratefully upon him recognizing a fellow being of faith and divine favor.

But even his skills and divine favor did little to dull the harshness of reality, and of the current situation. He was a knight that offered no explanation of his past for it mattered not to him. All that seemed to matter to him was helping these besieged villages against their battle with both their own natures and the savagery of the demons besetting them.

This alone earned him the gratitude of nearly everyone and his actions earned him the respect of everyone else. For his blade had saved many of those present. Vossler had been present at the initial siege of the castle. and before the astounded eyes of the castle's garrison had cut through the demon's ranks single handed. Rallying the knights and soldiers he had linked the cut off groups together forming a cohesive whole. Once that was done he saw fit to rescue as many of the small folk as possible. And while largely many casualties were sustained during the rescue operation on the whole it had been a act of the gods themselves having this mysterious swordsman bolstering their courage and effectiveness. For three days and three nights he had gone without sleep, fighting rear guard here, running messages between companies of the royal garrison there, and saving people in between all that.

But for this knight of a foreign land it was only the beginning. He seemed to know the reason why the demonic hordes had descended upon the kingdom. And furthermore he preached the demons were not the real enemy, that it was their hearts and minds that were to be wary of. And when questioned as to why despite his herculean efforts he did not bear fresh wounds he would only answer with that They are your demons not mine

But as he offered the last scrap of bread he had on his person to a hungry looking girl of perhaps 7 clothed in little more then blood stained rags he heard the queen of the lands questioning him.

Vossler for his part studied her as he answered, finding her facial expression and stance very telling. " I do not claim leadership over your rightfully appointed commanders and officers your Majesty. I merely advise on the best course of action and if they wish to act upon that advice it is their right to do so. And your right to tell them otherwise." He replied with a bow before straightening." I am in the end little more then a poor traveling knight who wished to help as best as he can, in any capacity he can." He added with an obvious smile.

"Your soldiers could benefit from some words from you though. All they need is some encouragement. To know that their monarch suffers as they do and yet still holds hope for a better tomorrow, for victory." He spoke further dropping the smile for he had desired to say this to the queen for quite some time. Vossler could not ignore the angered mutterings that circulated whenever a gaze fell upon the queen." A commander's behavior affects his troops morale significantly. And morale, our frame of mind is the real enemy here your Majesty. Forgive me for speaking so boldly as ill befits my poor social standing but you simply must face facts."

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:19 pm

The Queen's eyes sparkled with pleasure at Vossler's words. Even her closest courtiers no longer spoke to her with the respect this man obvious had for her. It did her heart good to hear such words of praise. Yet inside a gnawing, hollow feeling overtook her. She knew in her heart of hearts that she did not deserve such words. She had abandoned her people, caring only for her family, when the monsters attacked. This man, a stranger, had done more than she did and could ever have done. With her limited powers over the forces of magic, she could have at least made a stand...

The Queen quickly squelched the feelings of remorse. It was right and proper that this man should respect her. She only wished her own people would do the same. But she wasn't so heartless as to wish wanton destruction on her people. She did wish for the demons to be defeated. And if this man was the one to do it...

"I will speak to them," she nodded, a haughty expression continuing to cloud her eyes, "They do need noble words from their leader. Alas, my dear son is not here, but my words will do more than suffice, no? You are a fine and noble man, Sir Vossler, and I would ask that you continue to aid us in our battles. It seems as if you have some sort of charm or defense against the demons that few of us possess. You inspire hope in my people when there is none, and for that I thank you."

It seemed somewhat strange for the Queen to be thanking anyone after blaming others for so long, but Vossler had praised her when no others words. That alone was worth listening to him.

"Who...are you?" whispered a tiny voice from the Queen's arms.

Bright blue eyes the color of the sky turned to regard Vossler with a questioning look.

Last edited by Ruu on Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:00 pm

Vossler looked at the source of the voice, small as it were this young child was a prince of this realm. Smiling that confidant smile that seemed to bolster the morale of those around him he answered.

" I am called many things, In the desert kingdom across the sea I am known as Sword Dancer, in the jungles of the south they call me Ranthor, To vast forests far east of us I am known as Mars, To the north they call me Thor. But I was born Vossler if it pleases you your highness." The enigmatic knight answered the young prince.

" It is quite the curious child you have Your Majesty, he has your eyes and will likely make a powerful Knight once he has some years on him." For some reason he spoke as if he knew the prince was going to become a knight, not merely jesting.

"If you will excuse me your Majesty I have several things I have to attend to. Such as the instructing of your clergy on how exactly to cut off a man's leg without killing the fellow it is attached to." Vossler said with a neutral tone, many had been injured in the battle against the demons.

What was surprising this man of war knew such a detailed medical process as amputation. Especially well enough to teach it to others. The groaning of the wounded floated through the air as a knocking could be heard, as if a poor pilgrim was knocking on the temple door.

Soon enough though the mocking laughter of the demons echoed through out the temple. Mocking words that sapped the strength and will to fight. Few were unaffected save Vossler and those knights and soldiers near him.

" So it begins again. I am sorry your Majesty but your words will have to wait."

The enigmatic knight charged at the temple door, a few knights in his wake. Opening it with but a single thrust of his shoulders the warrior of many names charged outside. Before the doors closed the sight of his red crystal greatsword could be seen whirling in his hands like it weighed less then the feather. It smashed through demonic defenses, parried blows skillfully while it's wielder danced gracefully as any ballet star.

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:34 pm

"It's nice to meet you Sir Vossler," replied Jason with one of his endearing smiles, though it was a smile that often got him into trouble, as it had a tendency to cause people to spoil him.

He wasn't a terribly bad child, and was actually quite docile, more so than rumors would have it. When he was good, he was very good yet when he was bad, he was horrid as the saying went. He would just continually cry until he got what he wanted. At the moment, however, he was too frightened to think about what he wanted, or to even cry. The escape from the castle had been a harrowing experience, especially for so young a child.

"Oh yes, he does have my eyes...He is precious, my dearest baby," cooed the Queen, seemingly oblivious to the statement about him becoming a powerful Knight, or perhaps she was avoiding the possibility entirely.

She already had a boy bent on becoming a powerful warrior; she didn't want another one. She had little time to react to Vossler's words about amputation when the blood-curdling voices of the demons echoed throughout the Temple. The Queen hid her face, stepping back into the cool light of Clementia's section of the Temple, while the other women and children wailed. The hideous demons...why would they not leave the people alone? Had they not atoned for their sins already? Hadn't she atoned for her sins at least? Why did she and her children have to suffer. In her arms, Jason whimpered softly, though above his heart was etched the soulstone, glowing with Clementia's purity. Around them, all of the other childrens' soulstones were reacting much the same way, creating a sort of barrier that could only be penetrated by the King of Darkness himself, and even then not for long.

"Oh you hear the pretty birds singing?" whispered Minerva, eyes shining.

"My child...there are no birds1" cried the Queen, her patience wearing thin, "We are in danger!"

Last edited by Ruu on Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:49 pm

"It's been a long time Thor." A demon mocked him, it's voice harsh and hollow, all the warmth of a cold steel blade in it. The demon stood nearly 8 feet tall and was roughly humanoid in shape. But it's skin was black,dark as the shadows of death, it's eyes flaming pools of fury. It fought with a great sword, of red crystal. It was twin to the one Vossler carried naked in his hand.

The fight had been dragging on, the defenders hard pressed to fight these beings of demonic origin. The black skinned demon taunted Vossler as their blades clashed off each other, a spark of crimson hue each time they touched.

"My name isn't Thor anymore Talin." Vossler spoke calmly as he parried the ever increasing blows the now revealed Talin directed at him.

"A crow can paint it's feathers white but that doesn't change the fact it is still a crow Thor." Talin taunted as he and his fellow demons were beginning to get the upper hand. Already three knights and two soldiers lay dead, their wasted blood shining in the moonlight.

"At least it shows the crow wants to be more then a bird of war Talin" Vossler shot back, managing to get his blade under Talin's guard. Then with a flick of his wrist sent the demon's great sword flying away. Before Talin had time to do little beyond mourn the loss of his weapon the enigmatic knight thrust clean through his body.

Talin dropped down with a baleful smile written upon his face. He then disappeared in a shower of black sparks and howling winds. Freed from his duel Vossler rallied the remaining warriors and pressed deep into the core of the demonic horde. Soon as always the Demons fall back, vanishing into the shadows of the night.

"Back into the temple, carry our honorable dead so that their bodies fall not to the twisted demons." Vossler cried out as the demons retreated. The fallen were then carried upon litters of shields as the survivors of this fight limped and wearily walked back to the temple.

Once more the doors creaked open and those in the temple could see the fresh wounds their defenders bore. It seemed the only untouched one was Vossler, but that surprised no one anymore. The fallen were laid in front of the altar to Ulike were the priests then began the last rights. Vossler joined them, speaking the words.

" Ulike, father of sword and spear
Warriors have fallen
Brave soldiers they were
To you we commend

Rest easy my fallen comardes
Your quarrel with the foe we uptake
Rest easy my fallen comardes
One day we shall join you."


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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:34 pm

The Queen held her son tightly, trying to ignore the increasingly bewildering words of her daughter, who continued to gush about the birds and the flowers...and her father. Any mention of the King caused the Queen's heart to constrict in misery...She missed him so much. If he were here, he would know what to do. He had been so kind before that foul man had come to their castle and tricked them all. It was he who had counseled war even when the King had never been a violent person. It was he who had cheered on the armies as they had marched to war...And it was he who had brought her the news of her husband's death with a grimace that almost looked like a secret sneer...She was certain he had planned this all along. But now it was too late for regrets...Now people were continuing to die because of that evil man. And so it was blame she placed upon the tempter, even though the tempted shared their own part in the carnage.

She had been trying to ignore the fight going on at the entrance to the Temple. She did not think she could bear to watch such carnage. Even if she was prideful and vain, this did not mean she didn't have any sense of pity. Only...her pity was directed towards her children most of the time...and herself...As the demons were finally driven back, thanks to the efforts of Vassler, the monarch sighed in relief. If they had broken through the defenses...Well...most of those under the soothing light of Clementia's mercy had the protection of soul stones. But would it have been enough? Shaking away her thoughts, the Queen gently but firmly took hold of her daughter's arm and sat her on one of the stones.

"Stay here...and look at the...pretty flowers," said the Queen, a sigh almost escaping her lips as she attempted to console her daughter and her lapse of reality, "Mother will be back. She has some work to do."

So saying, she held tightly to her child, who had fallen asleep again, thankfully for the Queen. She loved dear Jason, but she had been afraid he was going to burst into tears if he didn't get his supper soon. Perhaps the shock of this experience had taught him a lesson about being less selfish. It was quite amusing that the Queen was worried about her son becoming spoiled, yet she did not see the selfishness or vanity in her own heart.

With a light, stately tread she strode into the harsh light of Ulike's domain, waiting respectfully for the mourning rites to be completed. At last, she took her full height, and allowed her voice to boom throughout the harsh, rigid stillness of Ulike's temple.

"My people! I would have your attention as your Queen and ruling monarch. I wish to speak to you and to bring to you a renewed sense of hope, much like the dear Vassler has done in combating the demons."

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:21 am

She still does not understand what is truly at stake, and the cause of it. Vossler thought with a heaviness that betrayed the calm aura surrounding his every action. Others, mostly the knights and soldiers kneeling with him at the altar to Ulike in this temple of the trinity noticed it. But they made no comment, after the battles they had fought against the demonic hordes even the bravest soul was feeling as if they were drowning in hopelessness. Even heroes had the right to bleed let alone feel sorrow and fear.

Despite his thoughts the enigmatic knight listened closely as the Queen spoke. A few muttered slurs against the monarchs vain and selfish ways murmured quietly in the air. All but inaudible to those not paying direct attention to them or those attuned to their surroundings. Vossler, bane of the demons it seemed, happen to be both of those. It saddened his honor bound heart to hear the same things repeated time and time again. These bitter few who despite knowing why they bore the demonic wrath of their fate refused to change. Still greed,pride,anger,hate,lusts, and sin in purest forms in some cases ruled them and their mind.

The Queen in her own way was merely the mirror they saw themselves in, true even Vossler agreed she needed to change her ways but he not would place all the blame upon her shoulders. It was their sins, their giving into temptation that had lead to them trapped in a temple while a ever diminishing group of soldiers and knights fell bravely defending them. The warrior of many names knew deep down somewhere the worse had only began. And for the first time began to feel as if nothing he was doing seemed to make a difference.

" Ulike grant me the strength to do what must be done. Grant me your favor so that I am their shield, there strength. Ulike grant me the power so that I might carry on to help these people in this their hour of need." Vossler prayed quietly to himself as the people trapped in this temple gathered to hear the words of their monarch. Some still muttering under their breath as they did so.

" I beileve we are ready to hear your wisdom and encouragement your Majesty." Vossler spoke with a calm voice having silence his inner turmoil to the God of warriors and combat. Now would come the time to hear if she truly had something other then orders and demands say.

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:35 pm

ssler’s recognition, ignoring the muttering and whispering in the crowd. It could only be whispers of her beauty and her goodness, could it not? After all, without her, there would be no representative of the throne old enough to have any lasting impact on the common folk. And they did not have the stuff of legends that allowed one to lead, no. Only she did, and now they would look upon her expectantly to wait for the jewels of wisdom to fall from her lips. With these thoughts in mind, she began to speak, but then stopped. For once in her life she could see something besides herself and her children. She saw the utter despair and hopelessness in the eyes of her people, and it chilled her to the bone. In all the time since the demons had come, she had never once addressed them, never even took the time to look at them. But now…now she could see…It was as if a veil had lifted, and though it was not going to make her perfect by any means, just a touch of pity broke the haughty, glassy, iciness of her proud and rigid features.

“My people…” she began, her voice soft but growing in power and strength as she spoke, “These have been dark and terrible times for us. The gods have abandoned us to our fate for our sins, and only the most innocent have been spared. The demons have run amuck ever our dear King, may his soul rest in peace, was tricked by the wiles of a cruel and foolish advisor. We have been tricked and deluded, yes, and we have paid in full for our sins yet the torment continues. We must fulfill the edict of the gods if we are to ever hope for a lasting peace in our hearts and souls. We must abandon our sins and our vices, but we must also be vigilant and strong so that we can turn back the demons and ensure that no more lives are lost to their cruel devices. And it seems that the gods have smiled us in some fashion in bringing us Sir Vossler, a beacon of hope with a strength that seems to become his very aura. With this fair Knight at my side, I promise that we will destroy the demons and send them back to whence they came. Our land will become fair and bright once again, and the curse will be lifted once and for all. No longer will I allow the wanton destruction of our people, for though all man sins, no man deserves what we have been through. Raise your prayers to the gods and show them that we are a healed people and will once again accept their protection!”

The Queen sighed softly, almost inaudibly, before continuing.

”For if we do not…this blight will continue to destroy our land and our people until nothing is left…”

The last words were spoken almost to herself, not meant for the ears of her people…Her words were contradictory at best, but they words addressed to her people, the first in quite some time. Perhaps they would have some kind of effect on her people...

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:02 am

She really does not get. The demons are not something that can be destroyed, they are nothing more then their sins become incarnate. I can slaughter them till I rot it would not make the slightest difference. Vossler thought with a heavy sigh, why had he been tasked with such an impossible mission. The saving of an entire kingdom from themselves, fighting an army of real demons would have been a cakewalk compared to this.

All round him people wallowed in self-righteous ignorance and the thought He would be their savior. They say merely an enemy where the divinely blessed Knight saw sin. And the Queen's speech had not helped anything, now they expected him to somehow miraculously make their problems go away. This wasn't something that could be solved through pretty words or force of arms. Only soul cleansing redemption earnestly sought would be their salvation not the sword of a Knight. He fought them to give them time, not because they needed to be fought as an enemy did. Such willful ignorance of the true cause was beginning to test even Vossler's patience.

Unsheathing his red crystal great-sword, that 5 and half feet long blade gleamed in the candlelight till those near the him were bathed in red light. Roaring a battle cry at the top of his lungs Vossler swung the blade around and around his head till it became a blur. Using both hands he brought the seemingly fragile looking blade down in one fell swoop, tearing a large chunk out of the masonry of the floor exposing the basement of the temple.

" Alright now that I have your attention ladies and gentlemen listen up." Vossler spoke calmly as he sheathed his great sword upon his back. " I can not fight your true enemy and that is yourselves. Your sins are monumental, staggeringly so. Those among you worthy are already bearing divine protection. And those like me who had no part in your sins are exempt from your doom. That is why I can fight these demons with such ease, for they are your demons not mine. You have no one to blame for these events but yourselves, the tempter is innocent. He was sent to you as a last test, a chance to show yourselves capable of rising above the sin you wallow in like pigs in shit. You failed though and so your sins were made incarnate, given form and reason. They are the physical embodiments of what most of you here hold in your hearts. People have died because of your unwillingness to change, to earnestly seek redemption. And now you in your self-pity turn to me for you are too blind and deaf to see what is the path to victory. I was given my power by Ulike so that you might have enough time to realize this. I will fight these demons of your very souls till my dying breath. But I am no more invincible then any of you standing here. You all have the power to save yourselves so for the sake of the gods do so and end this torment you inflict upon yourselves." Vossler spoke with a passionate zeal that betrayed both great faith and disgust with the charge laid upon him.

The temple and it's people fell silent as they digested his words. Soon though there was flaming anger,depression,hated, and so many other emotions the air itself seemed charged with energy and lethargy. Vossler in his ancient rune lined armor stood the calm at the center of this all, still as graven image crafted of stone. " And you your Majesty are foolish for giving them such false hope as labeling me a savior." He added staring directly at the Queen with an intense look in his eyes, it was disapproval, anger at her foolishness, and the power of his chosen patron rolled into one.

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:41 pm

The Queen’s eyes widened as Vossler struck a hole in the floor of the Temple, crying a ferocious battle cry. Even she would not dare to deface the sacred building belonging to Ulike. What impudence was this? Her brow furrowed in frigid anger but before she could say anything, Vossler was speaking. He spoke of the tempter being innocent and of only their ability to save themselves by repenting of their sins. Sins? What sins? Of course the common folk sinned, but she herself? She was pure! Therefore, the demons could not be a manifestation of their sins if she herself had not obtained one of the soulstones. Her blindness continued to manifest itself, and as it clouded her vision, her fury continued to boil white hot even as her rigid features betrayed nothing of the turmoil within. Her eyes turned to meet Vossler’s disapproving glare, mustering all of her queenly dignity. Her own face became the image of a Frost Queen, cold as ice, regal and demanding.

“How dare you,” she said quietly, her voice betraying none of the rage she felt, “How dare you say such things! You do not give the people hope! I spoke wrongly of you! You only point out faults and failings instead of grieving for such a terrible calamity. Innocent people have died, even if not by the demon’s hands, but through grief. And these soulstones…they are fickle and useless. They mark some who are innocent but not all. They are a trick of the gods to lull us into a false sense of hope. It is you who causes despair and promotes false hope, not I! Let it be known that I do care for my people and would not see them fall to the empty promises of Ulike, who has abandoned us in our time of greatest need!”

”Momma…what’s wrong?” whispered a tiny voice as young, trembling eyes looked up at the Queen.

Never before had Jason speak to anyone in such a manner. Around him, she had always been kind and loving, a wonderful mother who did not speak ill of others; unconsciously she was very like the Queen she had once been around Jason. The battle cry and the bitter cold of his mother’s voice had awakened the young Prince and now he stared at her in utter confusion. The Queen looked at him, towards the statue of Ulike and back to Vossler, who seemed as if he were bathed in Ulike’s own aura. The Queen nearly fell to her knees clutching her son tightly. If Jason heard her speak like that and began having such tendencies himself, she knew the soulstone would dissipate, even as she denied it with her words. Their sins really were the root of all this, she was just too much of a coward to speak this in words. She was stunned now, and made not a sound or a movement, the queenly dignity dying in her eyes.

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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Hisoka Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:48 pm

Vossler stood as the calm of the storm, listening in silence and stillness to the Queen' scathing reply. He was unlike the rest not moved at all, for her words rung hollow and meaningless. The very fact he stood before them made a mockery of her claims of Ulike abandoning them.

As the last words left the Queen's lips Vossler drew his five and half foot red crystal great sword. Naked blade held effortlessly in his left hand the enigmatic knight strode towards were the Queen half knelled holding her young son to her body. The boy looked at the man carrying such a large sword, wonder making his eyes wide. And before any could even react the knight sworn to Ulike's service brought the blade in a wide swinging motion. A blow that would surely take the Queen and her son's life. But a mere heartbeat away from floor of the temple being stained with their blood the great sword came to rest, about ten centimeters from the Queen's throat.

The crowd, ready not so long ago to tear him limb from limb gasped in awe at both the control Vossler had over such a heavy looking blade and the aura of Ulike itself it seemed emanating from his armor clad body. The knights and soldiers sworn to the royal family looked torn between duty and common sense. They knew to make a move towards them might seal their monarch's fate, not to mention the prince's. And having fought and bled beside this man who many owed their lives to only complicated their torn feelings.

" Ulike has abandoned no one, even now you foolish woman He watches over us. It is by his will alone I spare your life your Majesty. But do not tempt his wrath again with your blasphemousness and untrue words. For Gods unlike us can not lie and he has sworn an oath to help us overcome the nature of you and your people's sin with everything he can without breaking the Oath of undue interference." Vossler spoke with a cold and even tone, carefully pronouncing each word. Letting the Queen get a long and hard look at what her fate could have been the knight of many names sheathed the red crystal great sword once more.

Strolling back through the crowd he went to the doors of the temple. Pushing them open he revealed the outside world beyond any denial. Massed around the temple grounds and staring avidly at the open door were the legions of demonkind. Ugly and spiteful they looked, with malice and pride burning in their eyes. Twisted and misshapen they each held a unique disfigurement, no two of them looked exactly the same.

"Look at them your Majesty, these are your demons. Pride,spite, hate, and all the other darkness you clutch to your bosom like you clutch your child. You have nursed these demons at your teat, suckled them on the dark milk of your mind. These children of such horrifying appearance are the product of your spiritual womb." Vossler spat out in disgust as he unsheathed his red crystal great sword again.

As one they charged the knight standing alone on the threshold of the temple. But before they could even get within striking range the blessed warrior hit the ground with his great sword, and a great white light welled up from the Earth. A blinding omnipotent blaze of pure white that seemed to fill everywhere. The demons of pride and spite seemed ill disposed to face that light and fled as it touch their bodies.

" And your dark children are as weak as you are my Queen. They flee at the first sign of hardship. Why your Majesty have you given birth to such twisted sins, what shadows have you let gnaw at your heart till there is nearly nothing left?" Vossler added after he had closed the temple door before facing the crowd and their monarch.

" Answer me, your Gods demand to know why you have ruined the innocence you were all gifted with upon your births. Every chance has been given to you lead lives of righteousnesses and virtue. Instead you give birth to demons and shadows, you lay with whores and beat your wives. You dream of poisoning your husbands and killing your parents. Why have you done this, what madness have you let rule your lives. Answer me." Vossler shouted at the top of his voice at the crowd and their monarch.


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Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu Empty Re: Escape from Desperazione Village- Hisoka/Ruu

Post by Ruu Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:27 pm

One…two…three…Cassandra could hear each breath she took as if it were as raucous as a gong. Her heart was beating a million times a minute, and as the great sword swung towards her to make an end of her, her life flashed before her eyes. The time as a scullery maid, serving the kitchens…Her promotion to a lady in waiting…The young Prince who she loved but knew she could never be with…The surprise when he pronounced his love for her and asked for her hand even though his entire family was against it. Their happy days as young lovers…Their first child…Achilles…then Minerva…then her dear Jason…And then the tempter had come…The King had gone to war even against her own wishes…It was at that time the people still loved her…The terrible news that he had died in battle…The degeneration of the small kingdom…Her own pride and vanity…Achilles’ ruthless anger…Minerva’s denial…Even Jason’s constant crying…The demons and their brood, infesting the city…The flight to the Temple…Now where was the bright light? The pain?

The Queen opened her eyes, not expecting to see anything, but instead the sword was held inches from her throat. Vossler was speaking, but she did not hear the words. From that glimpse into her life, she had seen the greed and pride that had consumed her, even as they became palpably real in the shapes of the demons Vossler displayed unto them. And at that moment she knew…it was her fault…All her fault…The people…her children had followed her descent into vice as surely as a sheep followed a shepherd. And she knew now…knew now what she had to do…If she wished any of her children to live…

Jason was sobbing, but she gently put him down, whispering comforting words briefly before going over to Minerva and setting her beside her brother.

“Minerva…take care of your brother now…alright? I must…do other things…” she whispered faintly, trying not to cry.

“Alright, Momma, we’ll play in the flowers together,” giggled Minerva, kneeling beside her brother and wiping away his tears, “Don’t worry, it’s a pretty spring day.”

But Jason would not be comforted and continued to cry into his sister’s shoulder. The Queen briefly considered comforting him, but she knew it would be to his detriment. Steeling herself, she finally turned towards Vossler and walked within feet of the soldier and the demonic horde.

”I will answer,” she said quietly, calmly, “I bear burden of the responsibility of the sins of my people. I’ve done it because of my self-pity and had shut myself from the world. I even shut myself from my children had I but known it. I know now what I must do. I renounce my Queenship. I will return to a scullery maid, which is the only position I am fit to have. Vossler…no…your Greatness…I would ask that you take my son under your wing…Teach him so that he may not fall under the evil that has begun even to infect his innocent soul…He has the blood of royalty in his veins, not I, and I know he will be a greater one than I. Watch my daughter…help to bring her back to the reality that she refuses to admit…As for me…my people, I have done you great wrong…I cannot begin to repair the evil I have done, but I will now work to use the small talents the great Clementia has given to me to heal the body…and perhaps the souls of those who have been harmed in battle…Vossler…do not allow me to see my children again no matter how I beg and plead..They don’t need me...for all I have done has been evil for them…”

At these words, Jason looked up from his sister with a terrified expression in his young features.

“No! Momma!” he wailed, pulling from his sister’s grasp and running towards her.

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